Get a stronger immune system for a longer life

Finchley Clinic
3 min readJul 7, 2021

Even if you are someone that doesn’t appreciate vegetarianism or veganism, the more you read about a healthy diet, the more it points to both those choices as being best for the gut.

By best, we mean it is foods high in fibre, like whole, unrefined grains, fruit and vegetables, that help achieve a balanced microbiome.

Even the Ancient Egyptians understood the link between diet, food content, and health. But not until much more recently, has science begun to understand the unique collection of bacteria, fungi and viruses that are part of our very DNA and the source of health through the immune system.

There are microorganisms in and on our body and all around us. The gut collection is not only responsible for our health, but an essential part of it helps complete the digestion where nutrients are finally released from the food we eat.

This global curse of the Covid reveals some fascinating facts about individual reactions. The first thing to note is that older people have lower immune systems and are more likely to suffer death.

But that doesn’t explain why very young babies seem to suffer, and yet their immune system is also low. At birth, they hardly have any immunity.

One study has found that when an over eighty year old gets the virus, they have a thirteen percentage chance of death. Only about one person in a thousand in their thirties may die.

Under twenty year olds simply don’t die of Covid. In Italy and Ireland, around seventy percent of all deaths through Covid-19 are men.

People with a weakened resistance to infections are more likely to die from Covid. Obesity, diabetes, lung or kidney impairment, all reduces their chances of getting over Covid.

It’s almost like this curse is some cruel selector of the weakest.

It is thought that less than one percent of the world’s population have a near perfect gut microbiome. This statistic has been gleaned by stool samples taken from many thousands of volunteers. Scientists in this field of study propose that if we all had a perfect balance, a new way to attack invading viruses may be found.

We already have the opportunity to take supplements containing laboratory grown good gut bacteria, and we even have supplements like Oxylift to supply another essential element; oxygen.

Oxygen is needed by every cell in our body. It is also necessary for all the good bacteria to survive.

When we think of obtaining oxygen, we think of breathing. But it is also released from healthy food, and in particular, fresh fruit and vegetables.

With so much time to kill at home with lock down, we have no excuse not to check online some healthy food selections.

There are of course, many conflicting suggestions, but most agree that the single most important point, is variety.

And to aid good digestion, we have to remember that exercise is also part of the process.

