Use lock-down to perfect food skills

Finchley Clinic
3 min readMay 3, 2021

This Covid related lock down is driving us all mad. Cooped up at home with no normal social life has been a difficult task.

But humans being what they are, in troubled times, we always find some positives. Fortunately, we live in the age of the World Wide Web and nearly all of us have access to the internet.

This means there are many creative activities to engage with. One of the most popular is starting or rekindling, an interest in cooking. Daytime TV seems to be full of cookery programs.

An interest in cooking may well lead to an added interest in the content and quality of ingredients. It is fascinating to research digestion and the essential vitamins, minerals and how the nutrients are finally absorbed.

There are many vitamins and minerals that are all extracted from different food sources. The entire digestive system is a series of processes that involves many enzymes produced by various glands.

There is even some acid involved, exclusively in the stomach. A perfect diet will give the right amount of all the vitamins and when the relevant food source for each is known, the outstanding fact is that what we eat should be of great variety.

Whilst many respect the path that vegans have taken, the fact is that this may preclude them from some essential vitamins. In their case, some supplements will have to be taken.

There is one vitamin that is sometimes referred to as the sunshine vitamin. So called, because the best source of vitamin D is from direct sun rays.

Every vitamin has their own purpose. In the case of D, this is responsible for healthy blood and strong bones. In the winter with those long days of no direct sun, many people take a supplement such as Vitamin D3.

It is estimated that one in five UK residents are deficient in this vitamin and should consider the supplement. In some countries, doctors automatically prescribe it to anyone over the age of sixty.

This is also one of those vitamins that all vegans are in danger of running low. This is because that apart from the sun, or lack of it, the only reliable source through food is oily fish, red meat and eggs.

It’s strange to think back to our grandparents when they were children, and discover they were universally told to eat their greens, and other fresh vegetables, as well as a spoonful a day of cod liver oil.

They also had a practice of Friday meant fresh fish on the menu. And every school in the land had to provide every child with a bottle of milk,

All these practices make total sense, and when compared to today where few drink milk, even fewer eat fish, and cod liver oil is almost impossible to find, we may plainly see the reason for child obesity.

Modern living is too much about fast foods, too many additives, and too many sugary drinks.

